Saturday, February 12, 2011


Bad week! I've been a bad girl. I really meant to check in on Wed, and I don't think I posted last weekend either. It's been a crazy, busy week. I've kinda been in a funk this week too. Nothing major, but just kind of down. So I don't know which came first, the eating bad and not feeling good, so it got me down, or getting in this "funk" and being a little down, so I eat bad etc. Either way, I just need to snap out of it. I got out last night and that helped a ton. Don't worry, it's nothing major, just a lot going on around here and I need to remember I am not the one in charge:) and I like to know EXACTLY how everything is going to work out, and patience is something I'm still working on. So time for me to just chill out and let go of the reigns:)
We celebrated Sydney's 2nd b-day on Wed. and that cake was delicious. So I was proud of myself for actually going running on Thursday. It felt good to do it, but sadly it hurt too. I need to check with Dr. Paul to see if I can get cortisone shots while I'm pregnant. My feet are killing me. I'm going to be tapering down on my running because this is a good time to try to get my feet to heal, but I can't stop exercising completely. Still my feet have been hurting so badly, mainly when I start walking after sitting for a bit. They get ok after a few minutes of walking, but it's definitely not fun, and it is hurting when I run. (So that was another thing to add to my mood of the week - frustration) So I've gained a few pounds, and I really want to take off a few of those before I really start gaining pregnancy weight.

1 comment:

  1. I can sympathize with how you're feeling. It is hard to let go. I've had to learn that this year, and I've had to learn to be happy with what I have instead of getting depressed about what we don't have (i.e. a job!) It is hard to fight getting down when you feel like you have so much weighing down on you.

    As for the exercising... just to be safe I would stick to the pool for a while. Even if the cortizone shots are safe, your feet are gonna start spreading as you gain weight with the pregnancy... BELIEVE me! My feet hurt a lot. If its not my feet its my back. You've got two people willing to help you out at anytime! Just remember its better to be safe than sorry. =)
