Alright ladies! Just cuz we're prego doesn't mean we get to slack off on the posting! =) This is sometimes my only contact with you SO POST. lol
I have 5 weeks left...that's it! Braxton hicks are coming regularly and they are still hitting my back, but I'm surviving. I have eaten BAD yet again. I'm not too worried about it though. As long as I'm good this week my weigh in on the 7th should be fine. I went to the park with the kids and I have to say it was SO NICE! It didn't matter that the wind was blowing and it was cold. It was much better than sitting in this HOT house. My mom keeps it at 74 during the day and 76 in the evening so we sit in our "living room" with the window open and a fan blowing in the cool air. I am DYING! She freaks out if the boys open the back door for anything, which is next to her chair. She says it is cold in the house, while I sit here dizzy and feeling faint because I'm so hot. NOT FUN. They went to see Kristi last weekend in California so we were able to turn the air down to 69 which was chilly but I loved it. I'd rather bundle up than sit in heat. So the hot air has pushed my booty out the door which I suppose is a good thing.
I hope you guys had a good week and I look forward to hearing about it!
the person who can ENDURE TO THE END. "Whatever your work may be, endure in the beginning, endure through opposing forces along the way, and endure to the end." (Russell M. Nelson)
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Saturday, February 19, 2011
I went to my doc appointment yesterday and it was a good one. Typical checkup, just checking the baby's heartbeat...which is VERY strong. It was beating at 159 bpm... more than any of my other babies. I was not afraid to get on the scale this week because I behaved myself most of the week. =) As it turns out, I lost 1 lb. I was very happy about that. I have another appointment in 2 weeks so I'm hoping to keep it up. So far I've gained 21 lbs and I'm hoping to keep it at that number in this last 6 weeks.
I have found that I am dabilitated when it comes to exercising. I try and I fail... it is just too painful at this point. This little guy is way down in my pelvic area, making even walking difficult at times. Often times he stretches so much that he jabs something...feet, hands, whatever, into my nerves, which causes a great deal of discomfort when walking. Not to mention the fact that I feel out of breath and dizzy a lot. I almost passed out in the grocery store this week, which was a little scary, but Skyler was with me. Needless to say, I don't go shopping alone if I can avoid it.
Other than these little inconveniences I have been doing well. I'm starting to get excited about the baby coming, but I think it is because I'm looking forward to my life getting back to normal... with my body and the many other things that feel out of wack right now. 6 weeks left!!
I have found that I am dabilitated when it comes to exercising. I try and I fail... it is just too painful at this point. This little guy is way down in my pelvic area, making even walking difficult at times. Often times he stretches so much that he jabs something...feet, hands, whatever, into my nerves, which causes a great deal of discomfort when walking. Not to mention the fact that I feel out of breath and dizzy a lot. I almost passed out in the grocery store this week, which was a little scary, but Skyler was with me. Needless to say, I don't go shopping alone if I can avoid it.
Other than these little inconveniences I have been doing well. I'm starting to get excited about the baby coming, but I think it is because I'm looking forward to my life getting back to normal... with my body and the many other things that feel out of wack right now. 6 weeks left!!
Friday, February 18, 2011
Weigh In
I actually remembered to weigh in!! I usually forget on Friday, so I use my Saturday weight. But I finally remembered! I did gain a pound this week. I have been maintaining for quite awhile so it is okay. Plus I have a goal of how much I want to gain this pregnancy and I am still quite far away from it, so I am hoping I do not go over my goal!! It is kind of funny when I was loosing weight I flew through this decade within a week and half I was done with this decade. Now that I am gaining once a gain I have been in the decade FOREVER!! Which I am not complaining because I realize I am not loosing weight I am gaining so when I get out of this decade I will be in a higher one!!! This week has been a crazy week. Eating wise I have done pretty good. Working out wise I start but don't last very long, I get light headed so easily. I have enjoyed having Zofran this week! Tuesday I have a doctor appointment along with the glucose test. I really hope I pass I really do not want to take the 3 hour test. With Maylee I got light headed a lot and I failed the first test and had to take the 3 hour test, so I am expecting to fail this one.. But I really hope I don't have to!!! One exciting thing is Tuesday I will be 27 weeks which means my last week in the 2nd Trimester!!!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
I'm here
Oops, one day late, but I'm here. And I haven't forgotten. So this week has been a little better - in the exercise department. Unfortunately with Valentines Day, Relief Society Meeting with DELICIOUS carrot cake - thanks Patti, and leftover chocolate here in the house I haven't been eating super great. Why is it that sugar just calls my name??
I walked a little over 3 miles on Monday and Wednesday, and Tuesday I did some weight lifting, in the form of getting ready for the R.S. meeting - and no, don't worry, I didn't over do it at all!
I'm planning to ride the bike today, and walk tomorrow.
I was feeling a little wimpy about the fact that I've been walking instead of running, when technically I really can run. I'm not too far along in my pregnancy by any means to run. I really just don't want to run, but I won't go into all my excuses again. But I read an article on about how to have the most consistency with working out. The main gist of the article stated that while it is recommended to get 60 - 90 min. of exercise per day (which was a surprise to me, I didn't realize it was 90!) those that exercised for a shorter amount of time each day 30 - 40 min. were more consistent with their exercise, which is more important. It makes sense if you think about it. So, even though this is a little different, but similar - I know I'd get a better workout if I ran 5 miles in the same time it takes me to walk 3 1/2, I am enjoying walking more than running. I LOVED running throughout last year, well, for the most part. I got to where I wanted a good run. But right now, where I am, I want a good speed walk. It might not burn as many calories, but it's more consistent, because I know if I woke up and knew I had to run 5 miles right now, I'd make every excuse in the book to not get on that treadmill, or outside.
I also really enjoy swimming, and I do want to go swimming, it's just too bad that you have to wear a swimsuit to do it - NOT that I'm suggesting I want to wear nothing! :) I just don't want to go to the gym and put on a swim suit right now. But the reward is worth it, and I should get there soon. Maybe when it gets a little warmer I'll head over to Monta's and use her pool instead.
I walked a little over 3 miles on Monday and Wednesday, and Tuesday I did some weight lifting, in the form of getting ready for the R.S. meeting - and no, don't worry, I didn't over do it at all!
I'm planning to ride the bike today, and walk tomorrow.
I was feeling a little wimpy about the fact that I've been walking instead of running, when technically I really can run. I'm not too far along in my pregnancy by any means to run. I really just don't want to run, but I won't go into all my excuses again. But I read an article on about how to have the most consistency with working out. The main gist of the article stated that while it is recommended to get 60 - 90 min. of exercise per day (which was a surprise to me, I didn't realize it was 90!) those that exercised for a shorter amount of time each day 30 - 40 min. were more consistent with their exercise, which is more important. It makes sense if you think about it. So, even though this is a little different, but similar - I know I'd get a better workout if I ran 5 miles in the same time it takes me to walk 3 1/2, I am enjoying walking more than running. I LOVED running throughout last year, well, for the most part. I got to where I wanted a good run. But right now, where I am, I want a good speed walk. It might not burn as many calories, but it's more consistent, because I know if I woke up and knew I had to run 5 miles right now, I'd make every excuse in the book to not get on that treadmill, or outside.
I also really enjoy swimming, and I do want to go swimming, it's just too bad that you have to wear a swimsuit to do it - NOT that I'm suggesting I want to wear nothing! :) I just don't want to go to the gym and put on a swim suit right now. But the reward is worth it, and I should get there soon. Maybe when it gets a little warmer I'll head over to Monta's and use her pool instead.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Bad week! I've been a bad girl. I really meant to check in on Wed, and I don't think I posted last weekend either. It's been a crazy, busy week. I've kinda been in a funk this week too. Nothing major, but just kind of down. So I don't know which came first, the eating bad and not feeling good, so it got me down, or getting in this "funk" and being a little down, so I eat bad etc. Either way, I just need to snap out of it. I got out last night and that helped a ton. Don't worry, it's nothing major, just a lot going on around here and I need to remember I am not the one in charge:) and I like to know EXACTLY how everything is going to work out, and patience is something I'm still working on. So time for me to just chill out and let go of the reigns:)
We celebrated Sydney's 2nd b-day on Wed. and that cake was delicious. So I was proud of myself for actually going running on Thursday. It felt good to do it, but sadly it hurt too. I need to check with Dr. Paul to see if I can get cortisone shots while I'm pregnant. My feet are killing me. I'm going to be tapering down on my running because this is a good time to try to get my feet to heal, but I can't stop exercising completely. Still my feet have been hurting so badly, mainly when I start walking after sitting for a bit. They get ok after a few minutes of walking, but it's definitely not fun, and it is hurting when I run. (So that was another thing to add to my mood of the week - frustration) So I've gained a few pounds, and I really want to take off a few of those before I really start gaining pregnancy weight.
We celebrated Sydney's 2nd b-day on Wed. and that cake was delicious. So I was proud of myself for actually going running on Thursday. It felt good to do it, but sadly it hurt too. I need to check with Dr. Paul to see if I can get cortisone shots while I'm pregnant. My feet are killing me. I'm going to be tapering down on my running because this is a good time to try to get my feet to heal, but I can't stop exercising completely. Still my feet have been hurting so badly, mainly when I start walking after sitting for a bit. They get ok after a few minutes of walking, but it's definitely not fun, and it is hurting when I run. (So that was another thing to add to my mood of the week - frustration) So I've gained a few pounds, and I really want to take off a few of those before I really start gaining pregnancy weight.
Another Week Closer!
Another week. I am still in the same funk I feel like I have been in this funk since beginning of the year. I really did not want to write in the blog, beginning I'm not doing what I am supposed to. I had a hard time working out this week. But luckily we have been eating at home, so I was able to maintain this week. But I am nervous for next, first I went grocery shopping and every snack food possible was yelling my name!! Then which I could not be happier for my insurance finally stopped denying my Zofran after nearly 4 weeks!!! :P So I am finally feeling good like me again!! Today I started to get nauseated and I was like, "Oh great another crappy day!" But then I remembered I have medicine! I as usual almost started crying out of happiness knowing I could take a pill and be me again! I went to like a zillion stores this week searching for pants. I either couldn't breath or they would fall right off! Finally on Friday when Gary got home I thought I should check Ross. They have different brands; so I finally found pants that fit!! YIPPEE!! I can breath and they are not falling off of me!

Are we slacking?? =)
Hey ladies!! Its that time again. I can't believe none of us posted a mid-week. I didn't because I was dealing with a sick kid who decided to give me his cold. I just love how he shares. =) So, I'm gonna keep this short today.
BAD, BAD, BAD WEEK!! I was so tired from being kept up at all hours of the night, my mom's back is giving her trouble, and on top of that Skyler was sick too so we ate out like 4-5 times this week. BAD!! I'm actually sick of fast food. It is awful when you can't enjoy the simple pleasure of a cheeseburger anymore. LOL
Anyway, despite that, I did not gain anything this week... or maybe it just hasn't come on yet. I have to be good from now on because my weigh in is on Friday and I DO NOT want to be 5 lbs heavier. =)
BAD, BAD, BAD WEEK!! I was so tired from being kept up at all hours of the night, my mom's back is giving her trouble, and on top of that Skyler was sick too so we ate out like 4-5 times this week. BAD!! I'm actually sick of fast food. It is awful when you can't enjoy the simple pleasure of a cheeseburger anymore. LOL
Anyway, despite that, I did not gain anything this week... or maybe it just hasn't come on yet. I have to be good from now on because my weigh in is on Friday and I DO NOT want to be 5 lbs heavier. =)
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Weekly Update
I have noticed the past few weeks that I weigh one number, and every day I am either that number, one higher or one lower. Just continue to bounce around. When I weighed in this morning I was one lower. But tomorrow I may be one higher. I guess I lost a pound. I hope to maintain for just a few more weeks, before the gaining begins again!
I have also had a really hard time getting out and working out. It has been really cold outside so I don't want to drag my already sick kids out of the house. I try to get out a few days a week or something around the house.
I have been on sandwhich kick lately and I go through 2 to 3 bags of 10lb bags of Ready Ice!! FOR REALS!!
A conversation I had with Rebecca
Me: Rebecca is your Mom going to have a baby?
Becca: NO!
Me: How do you know
Becca: Because she does not have a big belly like you!! :P
Thanks Becca! When she said this I was so grateful to be pregnant if I wasn't pregnant she said this I would probably be adding in a few ab workouts a day!
I have also had a really hard time getting out and working out. It has been really cold outside so I don't want to drag my already sick kids out of the house. I try to get out a few days a week or something around the house.
I have been on sandwhich kick lately and I go through 2 to 3 bags of 10lb bags of Ready Ice!! FOR REALS!!
A conversation I had with Rebecca
Me: Rebecca is your Mom going to have a baby?
Becca: NO!
Me: How do you know
Becca: Because she does not have a big belly like you!! :P
Thanks Becca! When she said this I was so grateful to be pregnant if I wasn't pregnant she said this I would probably be adding in a few ab workouts a day!
Weekly Update!!
So, as promised... my new pic. I had my appointment yesterday and it went well. I was only up 2 lbs, but I'm not counting it for these reasons... my appointment was in the afternoon rather than morning this time, it was about 30 minutes after I ate lunch, AND my poor feet were swollen from being out all morning. See, as the day goes on you gain weight... we all know that. =) Don't you just love my rationale.
I have skipped on the idea of traditional exercise because it just isn't fun right now. So, I've been doing hand weights and leg lifts while I'm sitting. I have also played my Wii fit a few times this week. The little bit I'm doing is helping. I have to say pregnancy cravings suck!! I crave everything I shouldn't have. The fun part... I only crave it when I'm trying to be good for my weigh in. Like Thursday... I sooo wanted a soda, but I didn't want to drink one because I knew my feet would swell instantly and I was trying to keep the swelling to a minimum. The craving wouldn't go away so as soon as my appointment was over I shared a can with Logan.. 2 sips and I was done, craving cured. It is so annoying.
At this point I'm just uncomfortable, but 8 weeks is not that far away so it doesn't bother me. This entire pregnancy has gone by so fast. Some weeks have been a little longer than others, but most have just flown by. Before you know it I'll be posting baby pics!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Here are the promised pictures
Here are my pictures. That's right! 8 weeks along! I've joined the preggo bunch! Not much weight loss to report for the month of January. Hopefully I can at least maintain for the next couple months, or even lose a couple pounds - not by dieting, but by eating healthy, and exercising better. I have MANY goals for this pregnancy, but I'll get into those later. For now, I am planning to continue writing regularly on the blog and posting pictures because, first of all, it's fun to see the baby bump grow. And also, hopefully it will motivate me to only have a baby bump grow, not the bum, back fat, thighs, arms, and everything in-between.
It's that time of year!
the sick bug has swept through our house this last week. I am so sick of listening to coughing, cleaning up snotty noses, having coughing children wake in the middle of the night and want to sleep with me (and cough all over me) and doing breathing treatments throughout the day. I think we're on the tail end of it though. Sadly, it's been a good excuse to miss out on exercising. It has been SO BITTER cold outside, and I didn't want to go running outside with the kids being so sick, and the treadmill was outside in our backyard since last night and I got lazy and didn't want to deal with the wind and cold. ENOUGH of my excuses - I was lazy. I DID finally exercise today and it felt great. I went 5 miles on the treadmill, only ran 2, but that's what felt good on my feet. I haven't had their sickness, but felt kinda BLAAA (for lack of a better word) the last couple days, and I think a lot of it was that I wasn't exercising, I let laziness take over. Much better day today. Wish me luck on the weigh in, don't know how good it will be, but I'll try!
p.s. I still haven't posted my pics - I'm going to have Hayden take my picture in a minute and then I'll post the new month picture.
p.s. I still haven't posted my pics - I'm going to have Hayden take my picture in a minute and then I'll post the new month picture.
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