Sunday, October 28, 2012

New weigh in

So I think I've decided that I have a low numbers week, then a big numbers week, alternating each week.  This week I lost 3.4 pounds!! WAHOO!!  I really did work hard this week.  I'm doing 6 miles on Fridays for the next couple weeks, and it was hard on Friday.  Harder than the week before - but I did improve my time by about a minute.  I ran 6.2 miles and walked till I got to 7 miles.  One bad thing about running more miles is the time.  I was at the gym for so long.  And even though my kids love the daycare there I don't really want to spend that long at the gym on Fridays.'s working. 
Then yesterday hit.  I was going to try to wait until Sunday for my eat day, but Jerry had way too much fun buying Halloween candy, and it was just too tempting.  So I ate, and ate, and ate.  And got sick.  I was going to be so good today.  And I was until about 7, but then my resolve got weak.  Even though I got sick yesterday I got amnesia and "needed" more sugar.  Crazy girl.  I'll have to work hard this next week - physically, and with my will, turning away from the Halloween candy.

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