Sunday, October 21, 2012

Upping the miles!

Well, after totally pigging out for my birthday last weekend I worked SO hard all week.  I even upped my miles - 3 Monday, 2 Tuesday, 4 Wednesday, and 6 Friday!  I was totally dreading the run on Friday, especially because my knee has been hurting a bit too.  And 6 miles on a treadmill is so boring.  I think my ultimate limit on a treadmill will be 7 because I survived - probably only because of an interesting show I was watching, but still, much more fun to run outside on that high of miles.  So after all that work, and eating good all week I lost a total of.... wait for it..  .4 pounds.  Yeah, not even 1/2 a pound.  Very frustrating.  But I'm going to try to stay positive and assume that I'm just building muscle??  I am using our 1/2 marathon training schedule because I like having a schedule tell me what I need to run, if I just run what I "feel" like doing, I'd hardly do anything.  So I have about 5 more weeks of long runs being 6 miles.  After that we'll see if I dare up it to 7.  I don't really have a race in mind, or one that is around.  And by the time I get to the 1/2 marathon on the schedule it will be the end of December and freezing.  Not sure what I'll do then, maybe just keep my long runs at 6 miles?  I'll see.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how you do it! I hate the treadmill 45 mins and i was so done and bored!I don't even like running around the boring park! (maybe I should be tested for ADHD!:P) You are doing awesome plus, you had a huge weight loss last week.
