Saturday, October 20, 2012

7 miles!

Today we did our 7miles we are getting there slowly but surely.  I have to say this run sucked!  My feet hurt, my ankle hurt, my knee hurt, hot, tired and just not in the mood!  YUP it was one of those runs where you are like WHY???!!  And what do we get to look forward to 8 miles next week!  YEAH! It is October 20th and still so hot, we were dying today.  We even had to stop and run into a store because all three of us were totally out of water.  Usually I come eat, take a shower and I'm good to go.  Not today I have dragged all day, it was a rough run. 
As for weight loss I lost a pound this week!  I'm okay with that.  I need to push things up again.  I'm not being bad, but I've kind of just got in a routine and I need to change it up again.  Hopefully that will help get off some more weight!  I really want to be down another 6lbs before I run the half marathon. 
I did find a 12 min workout of Pinterest, I did it on Tuesday with my strength training. My bottom hurt till Friday.

1 comment:

  1. Way to go!! I'm seriously so impressed! You will do great at the Turkey Trot. Hopefully it will start cooling down soon.
