Saturday, October 6, 2012

Another check in.

I wasn't very excited to report today.  I just maintained.  But this morning I woke up youtubed a video on taping my ankle.  And was hoping that I could maybe go 2 miles without dying or such pain I wanted to die.  I even planned the route so about 1.5 miles into it we went by my house. So I could bail!!  (Really I did)  We we started and I was like, my ankle doesn't hurt!!  We passed my house!  We ran 4 miles!!  Yahoo!!  I really could not be happier.  Now on our road to the half marathon.  We are going to have to add 2 miles every Saturday in order to do the Turkey Trot.  So 6 miles next week! 

1 comment:

  1. You are so awesome! Seriously, 4 miles?! The most I did was 5 miles this week, and it about killed me. Other than that 3 is about all I can handle. I wish I could be there at the turkey trot with you guys:(
    Way to go! And I'm so happy your ankle is feeling better.
