I'm here too. Promise, it hasn't been that I've been avoiding the blog, just busy and too lazy to download my new month picture. Hopefully I'll get it on here tomorrow, but I didn't want to wait any longer for a post. I'm still here, going up the scale. So in my first trimester I gained 8 pounds. Yeah, not good. But to be fair to myself I also weighed in after a week long vacation to Utah and Disneyland combined. I'm afraid I'm going to be HUGE by the end of this pregnancy. I'm only 12 weeks and I'm already showing. I know, I know, this is my 4th pregnancy, blah blah blah. And I understand that, and it is for a GREAT thing, but it's still hard emotionally to see myself after working SO hard all year last year and losing weight and making positive changes to suddenly within 3 months gaining half of the weight back that I worked 12 months to lose. And also knowing that eating good and exercising will feel good, and it will make me healthier, but it won't change the way my body is changing. I'm sorry to complain. I really do love being pregnant. I am very lucky to have good pregnancies and I am so grateful for that. I love knowing a little person, my little person is growing inside me, and I get to be a new mom again. But I'm still a woman, and I want to look nice, and it's hard to see your body change, especially when I'm in this odd stage of "showing", but not really "showing". "Is she pregnant, or has she just fallen off the wagon and gained all the weight back?"
So there you have Sarah's rant. Please don't think I'm complaining about being pregnant - I am SO happy to be pregnant.
On a positive note, Dr. Paul did say it is ok for me to get cortisone shots for my feel while I'm pregnant. Sadly, I've kinda lost that motivation and fire for working out (which is probably more of the reason I'm bummed about gaining weight - because I know it isn't ALL baby, it's me too.) So I'm going to get cortisone shots ASAP and I'm looking so forward to being able to walk without pain. Maybe that will help my desire to go walking at least.
Sorry - I know, kind of a depressing post. I'm fine, just my vent, but I (and all of us) are still the biggest winners!
It has been really hard on me watching the scale go up and up and up! Which you know I have complained a lot!! You are doing great!!