Sunday, March 27, 2011

reporting for duty

Yes, I'm slacking on my updates. Truly I haven't even weighed myself for over a week - I'm kinda afraid:) I didn't do horribly last week, but I also didn't do great. So, once again, starting again tomorrow. One positive thing is that I noticed yesterday that the ice cream that we bought a week ago in still in the freezer - hasn't even been opened. With as much as I love ice cream, that's one thing I've noticed that I really haven't craved so much with this pregnancy. However, I think the calories have been easily replaced with cookies and other sugary goodness. BUT, one other positive note is that when I have the house stocked with fruit I'd actually prefer the fruit to cookies, etc. The problem is when I don't have fruit. So I'm going to strive to keep lots of fresh fruit around.
I'll be 16 weeks on Tues.!! I'll post a new pic with the new month, and I'll really try to get it up on time.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

32 weeks!

7 more weeks to go. It still seems seems so far away. I am excited to meet Dallin, but to be honest still have a lot to do to get ready. I am hoping and determined to be able to do at least a mile until the day I give birth. I was just going to do a few laps around our neighborhood, but as soon as I started I knew I had to leave the neighborhood. Passing my house would not have happened today! I am happy I got out I took two of my kids and I guess if you count the build in one then 3! It was nice to get some fresh air and it felt good. I talked to Marlo today who is training for half marathon in June. And she hit 6 miles today and I thought UGH! Do I really want to run that far??? But I will I paid no turning back, better learn to love to run!! I have a ultrasound on Tuesday and then I am going to going through boxes and boxes of clothes! If anyone wants or needs girls clothes let me know!

P.S. Sometime next week I will get a picture up! My computer is dying I am actually borrowing one right now to post this. We had to order a new one I am waiting for it to come in!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Near the end...

Okay, so this pic is from last week, but I can tell you not much has changed.  I feel huge, I look huge, what more can I say.  This last week is going to be hard to get through because I have so much to do and no where near the energy needed to do it.  Skyler has decided I'm nuts.  Here's why...

Monday -  I actually rested... didn't feel too good.
Tuesday - had some energy so I did laundry and then visited playgroup, brought boxes of clothes home and sorted them until I finally finished at 9pm
Wednesday - my back was hurting pretty bad so I rested and took care of my sick children
Thursday - had energy again so instead of finishing laundry and cleaning the bathroom like I should have, I decided the office was driving me crazy so I cleaned it.  This was a big project, but desperately needed to be done.
Friday - my back and hips were hurting, but Skyler decided we needed to go shopping so I went and endured the torture... yes shopping is torture on my back right now.  As I sat in the car, the mess of tissues and trash that has accumulated over the last few months was driving me crazy!!  I have been telling Skyler for over a month that WE needed to go out and clean the car... meaning HE needed to do it. ;) but he never did.  Well, today was it, I couldn't stand it any more so as he sat inside playing video games I was outside, cleaning and vacuuming the car.  I would love to make him feel guilty about not helping me, but I'm trying to be nice in my irritated state.  So, once I was done, he says, "Kim, its time to pick up the boys!"  I was like, "okay, go get them" ....  I ended up climbing in the car to get them... aching back and all.  THEN he decided we needed to go shopping again so Matthew could use his gift card.  We spent an hour standing around Kohls trying to find an outfit for him.  Again... my aching back...  So, contractions started and where did they go... my back. UGH!!  I did eventually get to take a nap and my back felt a little better after laying in a reclining chair but it is a never ending pain with me.  I have this inner fear that I will never enjoy sleep again, but that has to be just a fear, right?  Once this baby is out, I'm sure I'll feel better. 


Thursday, March 17, 2011

relief is in sight!

I am going to the podiatrist tomorrow!!! I am so excited. I know I've been a bucket full of complaints, but my feet have gotten worse and worse. I'm excited for some relief, even if it is temporary!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Still here..

I finally took a picture! But you can't see it! My camera is not uploading right now for some reason. When I figure it out I will upload it!! Today I walked to Monta's house and then back home. I have to admit I was a little nervous if I could walk that far. It helped that I walked with Marlo, so I was able to talk the whole time and it went rather quickly. I walked around the neighborhood farther than the distances to Monta's house. But I have my house here, so when I get light headed I can head home! My goal and I would love to make it all the way being able to do a mile up to the day I walk in the hospital to have the baby.

As you saw in my post below I signed up for a half marathon!! I have to say this gave me such confidence. Part of me has been really worried that once I had the baby I would not have the will power to do this again. It took me 6 years to do it the first time. And it was painful, sleepless and took a lot of me and my family. And knowing I would be done with the healing right dead in the middle of the summer. Who wants to run when it is 112 degrees outside?? Not me!! But signing up for this along with Monica and Marlo. I know I can I am not going to waste all that MONEY!! I will be there, so now I am excited. I know I am going to do it! It will not be easy to be honest it will be harder, I will have a new baby!!

A regular Saturday Check in

12 weeks

I have not been diligent in my posts - and I know exactly why. So I'm going to strive to get more regular posts up to motivate myself. This week, in a nutshell?? BAD! Next week will be better. I was really sick on Monday and part of Tuesday. I think it was a stomach bug, cause if that is morning sickness, WOW, I don't envy you morning sick people. :) I just felt yucky. Maybe it helped me get some of the weekend weight off though. I've gained too much and need to just maintain here for the next, oh, 15 weeks. ha ha. I actually woke up and missed our Saturday morning runs. I thought about getting on the treadmill and going walking, but... I didn't. So here's my goal for next week. It's very basic. I am going to exercise at least 3 days next week. I'll let you know how I do.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Talk about Motivation!

Dear Korina Maynor,
Congratulations! You are now registered for the 2011 Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas Marathon & 1/2 Marathon - Half Marathon. Please check the event's website for updates.
Please note: Each participant must pick up their own race number at the Health & Fitness Expo. Go to the Expo page of the race website for times and location of the Expo. Rock 'n' Roll Las Vegas

No turning back now!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Time for a PEP TALK!!

We ALL know pregnancy has its ups and downs.  We were never told it would be easy.  It is part of the joy in life and it is also part of our trials.  Face it... when you have something sucking the life out of you, you will have bad days. 

Since I am nearing the end of this "trial", and it has been a trial for me, I am going to share what I have learned.

1.  There will be times when you will feel sick and tired  and lazy.  On the days when you're just being lazy get up off the couch and do something.  Walk up and down the stairs, do some sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming... we all know that can be done any and every day.  As long as you're moving and doing what you can.

2.  The good food is even better when you're pregnant.  Just practice moderation. 

3.  Share what you're feeling with your spouse.  If you're craving bad food maybe they can give you a healthier solution... Skyler did this for me many times.  Instead of a shake, he took me to Tropical Smoothie, which was even better! =)

4.  Don't let yourself fall into a depression.  This has been one of my greatest challenges during this pregnancy.  I have been so blessed to have Skyler home with me to keep me sain and break me out of the bad thoughts and moods.  Since you guys don't have  spouse at home full time, take advantage of your friends.  Start playgroup back up...WE NEED IT!  Who ever said it was for the kids??

5.  If you have a goal in mind and you keep that goal posted somewhere you look every day, as a reminder, you are more likely to make better choices.  And don't forget to pray for help in reaching that goal.

6.  The same advice I gave Korina... don't let what you can't do get you down.  Focus on what it is you can do.  For example...  I have had a hard time exercising since October because of all the illness that hit me so I've been doing extra housework to make up for it. 

Now, I'm not in good shape, but I have managed to maintain a healthy weight gain during this pregnancy, up to this point.  When I am done I am going to have to start at square one, which is really hard to deal with.  BUT  my mind is made up and I have created  plan so that I can accomplish my goal.  What makes it even more difficult is the fact that come June, I no longer have you guys around to motivate me.  I will be in Utah and have to come up with the motivation for myself.  That prospect is scary... it is the reason I invited Korina to come work out with Marlo and I.  I was scared to go by myself because she is in such amazing shape.  I wanted someone to share the journey with.  That is a fear I now have to overcome and I look forward to the challenge.

Good luck this week and remember I love you both!!  Do your best!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

No more hiding

I'm here too. Promise, it hasn't been that I've been avoiding the blog, just busy and too lazy to download my new month picture. Hopefully I'll get it on here tomorrow, but I didn't want to wait any longer for a post. I'm still here, going up the scale. So in my first trimester I gained 8 pounds. Yeah, not good. But to be fair to myself I also weighed in after a week long vacation to Utah and Disneyland combined. I'm afraid I'm going to be HUGE by the end of this pregnancy. I'm only 12 weeks and I'm already showing. I know, I know, this is my 4th pregnancy, blah blah blah. And I understand that, and it is for a GREAT thing, but it's still hard emotionally to see myself after working SO hard all year last year and losing weight and making positive changes to suddenly within 3 months gaining half of the weight back that I worked 12 months to lose. And also knowing that eating good and exercising will feel good, and it will make me healthier, but it won't change the way my body is changing. I'm sorry to complain. I really do love being pregnant. I am very lucky to have good pregnancies and I am so grateful for that. I love knowing a little person, my little person is growing inside me, and I get to be a new mom again. But I'm still a woman, and I want to look nice, and it's hard to see your body change, especially when I'm in this odd stage of "showing", but not really "showing". "Is she pregnant, or has she just fallen off the wagon and gained all the weight back?"
So there you have Sarah's rant. Please don't think I'm complaining about being pregnant - I am SO happy to be pregnant.
On a positive note, Dr. Paul did say it is ok for me to get cortisone shots for my feel while I'm pregnant. Sadly, I've kinda lost that motivation and fire for working out (which is probably more of the reason I'm bummed about gaining weight - because I know it isn't ALL baby, it's me too.) So I'm going to get cortisone shots ASAP and I'm looking so forward to being able to walk without pain. Maybe that will help my desire to go walking at least.

Sorry - I know, kind of a depressing post. I'm fine, just my vent, but I (and all of us) are still the biggest winners!

I guess I'm still here

I'm here! I guess it is just really hard for me to post on the biggest winner blog when all I keep doing is gaining weight. And lately feeling like I am doing nothing right! I have gone out and worked out a few times this week. I stick around the house that when I start to get light headed I can head home. I feel like I am living off TUMS, I think a cracker gives me heart burn. I am very very ready for May to get here. I am worried once I have this baby I will never get back where I was. I took me forever to do it the first time. I have decided to set goals after I have the baby to get me back. The first being a Mud Run in the end of August. It different, fun and not as far as half marathon!!