Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Starting again, again

Yesterday I was kind of lacking motivation, but I'm really sick of wearing my maternity pants, and decided it was the day to start. My main goal for the day was to avoid any Halloween candy, which is really hard on November 1. I woke up and weighed in and even took starting measurements. Depressing. Then I didn't give myself to think about what I really wanted, I just made a healthy breakfast of eggs and toast. Slowly I started getting more and more motivated. I can do this. We did it before, and can do it again right? I just have even farther to go this time. My weight is higher than it was last time we started, but I can do it!
FINALLY we moved the treadmill inside last night. I've been waiting and waiting. We got it in, and I got on to go walking. As expected from the move the belt had shifted a bit and needed to be tightened. Got it tightened and started walking again. After a total of about 5 minutes the treadmill broke. CRAP! The plastic around the screw to tighten the belt was already week, but I guess I added too much pressure, and it was cold from sitting outside so it just broke. So now I get to order the new part and wait. BUT I wasn't going to let this stop me from exercising. I had to at least do well on the first day. So I did some weight lifting until Luke woke up and he wanted nothing to do with Jerry. He wanted to eat. RIGHT NOW! So I didn't get in as much of a workout as I wanted, but it was at least a start.

This morning I wasn't going to let no treadmill get to me. After I dropped Rebecca off at school I came home and put the two kids in the stroller, bundled up really good, and went walking. I walked 2 miles, and it felt really good.

So I need to get the nifty little wigit on the side for my walking and also update my weightloss one and I'm hoping to be on here a little more regularly because I'm planning on losing massive amounts of weight!! :) (I'll also get a pic taken soon.)

1 comment:

  1. Good job Sarah! We all know how hard it is to have a nursing newborn in the house. The widget is total motivation cuz it sits there and you don"t want it to stay stagnant for too long
