Monday, September 26, 2011

Ugh, starting all over again!

WOWZA!! Do I have a lot of work to do!! I had such a goal to keep my weight gain to a minimum this pregnancy, but as always I gained, let's just say A LOT!!! So now I have a lot of work to do. I know I really can't start exercising yet. I was kinda hoping to just enjoy the next couple weeks and continue eating whatever I want, but after getting ready for church on Sunday and being very unhappy with the results, and after seeing a picture that was taken of me a month before I had Luke and I looked like I was pregnant with quadruplets, I decided I need to at least crack down a little bit. I'm not going to update my ticker yet. I'm going to wait till I can officially start really exercising. I've lost some of the weight, but still have so far to go.

Nursing and dieting don't mix. It is such a delicate balance - as I know both of you are going through the same thing. I don't want to cut the calories too much because I don't want to decrease my milk supply. So for now I'm just going to eat what I want - so long as it's healthy. That's the part I haven't done yet. And drink lots and lots of water. I don't really like the taste of the water here (I know, weird considering I'm comparing it to Vegas water) so I haven't been drinking as much as I should. I'm still recovering from the surgery, but overall I'm healing quickly and feeling good. If I continue to feel good I'm going to start walking next week. Nothing major, just a little walk around the block to start with, at a nice leisurely pace.

I'm planning to take a new month picture on Oct. 1st. I won't be at 6 weeks yet, but it'll be a good starting point to get me motivated and back into weight loss mode.

So, wanna see the damage? I shouldn't say damage, because I am so happy I was able to be pregnant and had a very healthy baby boy. And if I had to do it over again, knowing nothing would change, I'd do it in a heartbeat! But now he's here and I don't want to be using the excuse of "I just had a baby" in a year from now - which was just about how it was with Sydney. So I'm getting motivated earlier this time.

Here I am in January of this year. 4 weeks pregnant.

And here I am the day I delivered Luke - 39 weeks and 2 days pregnant.
Big journey ahead!


  1. At least we're all in the same boat! =) We feel each other's pain! LOL... as of today I've lost 4 lbs this week!! woo hoo... we'll see if it sticks till Friday.
