Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hate it!

Gary went back to work this week. He has to leave by 6am which means I have to wake up at 4:30am to work out!! I HATE IT!! It is so hard to wake up that early. Literally this morning I really could of cried I wanted to stay in my nice warm bed. I really wish I could just be a naturally skinny girl. I hate waking up!! I really do! And I am so tired! So knowing how much I hate getting up at 4:30 just guess what time I am getting up tomorrow you guessed 4AM!!! WHAT THE FREAK AM I THINKING????? I really want a skinny pill anything just to make me skinny without having to wake before the sun comes up!! That is my vent of the day!!


  1. Korina, you amaze me! Just don't kill yourself off! Rest is just as important as working out. I should know, I've been resting for the last 7 1/2 months :) Way to go! Hopefully once it starts cooling down a little bit you can go while your older 2 are in school. You are so dedicated, and you're going to do so awesome at the race in Dec.!! Good Job!!

  2. Your dedication amazes me, but Sarah is right. Get your rest. I cannot fathom how you are able to sleep with a new baby and getting up that early!
