Friday, August 12, 2011


I feel bad because I have not been good at posting, but I haven't been good at much of anything lately.  The motivation I had after having Riley quickly disapated with all of the unraveling events that followed his birth.  I was fighting postpardum depression and in the midst of it I gained back about half my baby weight.  I am officially heavier than I have ever been in my entire life and it makes me SICK!  I surprised my kids with a quick trip to Disneyland this week and it really showed me where I'm at physically.  I am not doing well... not as bad as I could be but its just not good.  I don't know if it is because I've had 5 kids or what but my back nearly gave out on me by the end of the day both days we were there.  My lower back was a big problem this pregnancy and the big problem continues.  I also have another problem I'm gonna throw out there because I can't go to a doctor right now and maybe you guys might have some insight.  As you know I'm breastfeeding, so I don't have a period.  Don't know if I'm ovulating or anything...  I doubt it is related to ovulating, but every time I exercise I end up spotting.  I thought it was caused by other things, but I quit going on walks for about 2 weeks and it stopped.  I went to Disneyland, was walking around all day long and it started up again so now I know for sure it is exercise.  It is really frustrating me.  I'm worried something is wrong, but I can't do anything about it because I don't have insurance... or a job... or money to pay for an appointment.

Whatever the case may be I'm just gonna keep exercising.  I have another Disney trip planned and already paid for in November and I don't want to feel like I did with this one.  Last week my mom bought Zumba fitness... the one on the infomercials!!  I'm starting that tomorrow and I am so excited about it.  That is exercise I can handle. =)

Small goal this week.... NO FAST FOOD!!  it's a start anyway. =)


  1. Kim, regular spotting is usually cause for concern in my opinion. But I also hate going to the dr., and I put it off for too long seeing if the problem gets better on its own. I would think exercise would be something good to do. While I'm nursing I'm also on the mini-pill, but I have had sisters that even while nursing sometimes (not a lot) I have spotted a little with extra stress, or a lot of exercise if they aren't on anything. Also I don't know if you've started him on cereal yet but if you aren't nursing as much as you used to be when he was first born your body might be regulating itself or starting up again. These are all just thoughts I'm just throwing out there. I don't know much. Maybe since your next goal is no fast food, you can add to the motivation and save up the money you would spend on fast food and use it for a dr. appt. But I don't know how much a dr. appt would be without insurance, so maybe that isn't really an option either. Sorry, and good luck.

  2. Dr Korina to the rescue!! Just joking! :) I googled it. I never go to the doctor, google is my doctor. And usually scares me to death and I panic and don't sleep! (but still do not go to the doctor! :P) But it says it is normal! The stress on your body. The working out can make the lining in your uterus break down which causes spotting. Working can cause a change in hormones which leads to spotting. Can you look it up a whole bunch of women complaining about it! :) Hopefully Sklyer will get a job soon and then you can go to the doctor and get checked out. I am sorry.

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