Thursday, August 25, 2011

Weigh In

I decided to weigh in today! Tonight I am going to the Drive In with the kids tonight. So much fun!! :/ So I am sleeping in tomorrow! And will work out on Saturday. I lost 5.5lbs! I still have a lot to work on but at least I got some weight off. This weeks goal is WATER!! I do not drink enough period. It is a 112 degree how do I not drink water. Who knows? I am also going to start doing my long run on Saturday again. Gary went back to work, which means I do not get has much time has before to workout. And I am having to wake up even earlier!! YUCK!! And do my abs when I get home to save time.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome!! Way to go! I am so proud of you! Promise, soon I'll be posting weigh in results too. Just a couple more weeks!
