Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weigh in

I had a pretty good week.  Even after a visit from Jerry's brother last weekend, and eating a little too much with him here, I still managed to lose 2.2 pounds.  I'm seriously loving the My Fitness Pal app.  I just need to keep up on it daily, because it is something that really works for me.  In a way I've found it gives me more freedom.  Even while his brother was here, we had a cookout.  Normally I would have declared it a freeday and gone to town eating everything.  I put everything in the app before eating, so I could see the damage beforehand.  I was able to eat a hamburger and potato chips and still not go over my calories for the day.  I do know that not all calories are created the same, and I wouldn't eat like that always.  BUT it helped me to see that I can eat out a bit - watching portions and extras, and still lose weight.  I ran 4 miles the last two Fridays.  Yesterday it was so hard for some reason - but I did it.  Next week I up it to 5 miles.  I shouldn't be scared, but I am.  I'll do it, it just might be kinda slow.

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