Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Prenatal Yoga

I got renewed ambition last Friday. Hopefully this time it lasts a little longer. I finally dared step on the scale. It was not as bad as I had expected, but worse than I'd hoped. So I now have a goal set for my weigh in at my next dr. appt.
So yesterday I went walking again and was happy to see that I increased my speed and had none of the cramping that I have had in the past couple weeks. I just gotta keep it up. I should probably increase the distance I go, especially when I'm feeling good. But for now I'll be happy with the distance I did yesterday.
I also decided to add some other forms of exercise so I added some prenatal yoga to my instant watch que on Netflix. There was only one prenatal video in the instant view, so my choice was pretty obvious. I've done pilates, but never yoga before, other than the little bits they include on the biggest loser dvds. So here's my question. Does it count as exercise if it feels really good? I don't feel particularly sore, which in my messed up mind is the sign of a good workout - if I'm really sore afterward. She (the instructor) talked a lot about stretching, and positions to give the baby more room. And I have to say that I might just break into the "downward dog" position randomly throughout the day because it felt so good to stretch the lower back out after carrying baby around. I think the "give the baby space" thing worked too because my little boy was doing happy somersaults after I got done too.
So I'll be keeping it up a couple times a week along with walking too.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

A mother of four should never....

A mother of four should never give up caffeine! While in the hospital I could not drink caffeine so I thought with the help of pain killers. I should do the first step to getting back into shape. Cut back on Caffeine..... I am not totally giving it up, but want to cut it down to where I only have 1 coke a week on my cheat day! I really do not know what I was thinking!! So far I have stuck to hit! But I miss my coke!

I would rather not talk about how much weight I gained while I was pregnant! But I did pop out a 9lb 11ounce kid! I have about 18lb to go to get me back to my pre pregnancy weight! So far I have been just walking short distances, and chasing after 3 kids! I have also some what have been watching what I eat. Far Far from perfect, but baby steps!

Wednesday I go back to the doctor and if he clears me I want to start walking and we will go from there. And I will take a picture, and you guys can see the new Korina, Marlo gave me a make over!!

Monday, May 23, 2011


I love Mondays!  Its the perfect day to get a new start.  This morning Riley got me up at 4:45 and decided he didn't want to go back to sleep.  After a while and once light started to show I decided to go out for a walk.  He was so good.  He enjoyed looking at the world around him and even took a little cat nap along the way.  I only went one mile because I had to get back for scripture study, but still...one mile is great.  Surprisingly I had a stitch in my side by the time I was done.  It just shows how OUT OF SHAPE I really am.  Delivering a baby naturally can really take a toll on certain muscles.  Now that I have gauged where I'm at my goal for the remaining days of this month is to improve my time.  Once I get it down to a 15 minute walking mile I'm going to go farther.  I'm not sure when I'll get up to running status but my goal is to be running the mile by the end of June.  I don't want injuries so I'm going to start strengthening my legs by doing lunges and other exercises until then.

Happy Monday to you!!  Make it a good one! =)

Saturday, May 21, 2011


This weekend is the father/son overnighter campout. I had such a good time with my girls last night. Rebecca has been so excited for this day - even though she did want to go camping, I told her we're going to have a lot of fun here with a GIRL PARTY!! She took off with the planning. I did have a great time, and I don't quite know if all the coats of bright, multicolored fingernail polish will ever come off, but it was worth it.
Anyway, back to the topic. With as much fun as I had, right before bed I got a little down. I started reminiscing (which I find myself doing A LOT these days, knowing that we'll be moving, and I like remembering good memories). I started thinking back to last year's father/sons. I remembered what a good time we had at Kim's house, and yes, I TOTALLY overate that night. But the main thing that got me down was remembering that I was so in the zone and preparing for Ragnar that even after overeating I came home last year at around 11:00, put the girls to bed and ran several miles on the treadmill. The next morning because Jerry was gone, and I couldn't go running outside I got up and ran 7 miles on the treadmill, and again that night. WOW - flash forward to this year. Totally over ate, and haven't exercised in the last couple weeks more than climbing up and down my stairs.
I've done exactly what I didn't want to do. I've gotten out of the habit again, and sadly sometimes I feel like, why exercise, I'm just getting huge anyway with pregnancy. And yes, I'm huge. I've been emotional eating because of stress over the last several months, then I sit and stew and worry about everything that we need to do and figure out before we move. STUPID!!
So, because I really don't want to make this such a depressing post, and make you feel like I'm fishing for compliments, I decided last night that I'm going to exercise today!!! For sure. Because it's a beautiful day I'm planning to continue our GIRL PARTY with a great walk outside with the double stroller. I know I'm still going to get bigger and bigger, but I need to change my thought process and just focus on being healthy for my and my little boy.

A New Beginning

So, having a baby is rough on the body.  All the work you do before seems to go by the wayside because of cravings, and the changes your body goes through.  I have lost all my baby weight and have spent the last 8 weeks enjoying all kinds of bad food and I haven't gained one pound back.  I'm sure that is because of the breastfeeding.  The thing is, even though I'm at my start weight I'm starting to realize I'm not happy with the way I look or feel.  That is why, starting TODAY, I'm getting back on track.  I am going to get under 200 by the end of the summer.  That means I have to lose 10 lbs per month.

My plan is to simply start by walking and finding healthy alternatives to my junk food.  I'm gonna have to go unpack my cookbook because I need to plan my meals.  Living with my parents has been really hard on the waistline because if I don't cook my mom goes and gets fast food.  While it may be yummy at the time I really hate that she does that.  When we were on our own, if I didn't cook we'd have sandwiches or what I like to call "fend for yourself" night.  Of course that meant the little ones ate chicken nuggets or something, but for myself that usually meant a healthy alternative to fast food.  So, to avoid the 3-4 night fast food binge that happens around here I have to make a meal plan.

I'm gonna start posting the food I eat or plan.... maybe it will help you guys too.  I'm hoping I'll get over to my house today so I can go shopping to get the ingredients I need to start this.  First, the boys need to come home from Fathers and Sons. =)

Monday, May 2, 2011

21 weeks

21 weeks

I did something today that I haven't done in many weeks. I actually got on the treadmill and went 1.75 miles. Sadly that is an accomplishment for me right now. It felt good. And I've been eating much better today. I need to get better. Lately I've thrown caution to the wind and eaten everything in sight. My pathetic excuse is that it's been emotional eating. Time to - once again- take control of myself.