Yes, I'm still alive!! Just been a little busy getting everything packed.
I know it's been a while since I posted pictures, and I missed last month. This picture was taken about a week and a half ago. There's my cute baby belly. Last week I got my first "are you sure there isn't twins in there?" Honestly I'm surprised it took 29 weeks to get that.
The BAD:
I have been eating really bad. I've been eating my way through this move. I haven't even put any thought about the food I'm putting in my mouth. BAD!!! My acid reflux has really hit hard, so in a way that does help curb my eating towards bedtime because I know if I eat anything I'll be up for a couple more hours with the burning in my throat.
For the last couple weeks I've been getting up early with Korina a few times a week and going walking. I really dreaded the first day, but knew I had to get some exercise. I was SO surprised when I looked down at my watch and we walked over 3 miles. So I've been walking about a 5K every time we go walking, and it feels great. I do have sore legs, and I'm tired, but it's worth it. I really want to keep that up throughout the rest of the pregnancy. I've already warned my family that I'll be staying with in Utah that they'll have to go walking with me because I need to do it.
So there you have it.
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