Friday, July 8, 2011


I think I have started to write this post a billion times and something comes up or I don't know where to start, so I just don't!

I love summer
I love not having to worry about school
I love Gary being home more
I love watching the kids swim
I love having time to workout by myself

But One thing I can't deal with is the HEAT!! I wake up at 5:30am just to beat the heat and still get in my car and turn the air on. I don't even like walking to check the mail! Lately it has also been humid and gross!!

I am still working out 3 times a week. I have been really worried about this half marathon, so on Wednesday I was determined to see how far I could go. The first mile hurt so badly so very badly. But once I made it to the top of the hill I got to go downhill! Then I just kept going slowly but surely. When I got home I ran 3.2 miles!! It gave me a little more confidence.

My fault! FOOD!! I love it!! I know what I need to do, but I just need to do it!!

And like Kim I need to drink way more water!!

Weight wise I have lost a few more pounds.

1 comment:

  1. Keep it up Korina! I am so impressed with you running that far! I couldn't say how far I run right now. I've been wanting to do it on my own to see how far I can go but getting up at 5:30 is not an option. =) Its just too early for me. If I can manage to drop my extra poundage I might start training for a half...we'll see. I get worried when I think about my feet because they already give me trouble, not to mention my knee has been getting sharp pains. Ugh!
