Friday, January 17, 2014

Weigh in #2

Well I really was hoping for a grand number this week.  With the fitbit it gives you goals so I thought for sure hitting all those every day would have to pay off.  It paid off with 1 pound.   I did a little  blog research and that was exactly what I lost week 2 last time.  "So keep going" I am telling my self....

I've enjoyed the fitbit this week it has me getting 30 activity mins which I usually hit really quick except for Friday I'm guessing it wasn't on right I spent a hour and half at the gym (hour being cardio) and I left with 13 mins of activity walking 10,000 steps which I usually get pretty easy.  But the 5 miles takes till about 11,000 steps and I think it has me 2697 calories which to be honest there are times at 11:30pm I'm doing jumping jacks trying to hit this number.

I've also fell in love with detox bath, I'm going to try take one a week.

Still no soda.  Which yesterday at the grocery store they were giving everyone a soda!!  I was like REALLY!!!  The kids got one and Maylee kept having me hold hers I think she may be against me.

Hardest part is night time!  Once the kids are in bed all I want to do is EAT!!

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