Monday, March 26, 2012


Yes, I'm frustrated. Why does it have to be so hard?? Why does food have to taste so good? I printed up the training schedule for the half marathon that we followed, wondered if that is going to be the only way I'll get in shape - but I don't have the time to run that far every Saturday. I also want to save my feet a little bit. I took my waist measurements the other day because I was making a skirt, and found measurements I'd taken on Nov. 1st. Only 2" smaller!!! WHAT??!! That was less than 2 months after I'd had Luke and now it's 4 1/2 months later and I've only lost 2 inches. I had lost more in my lower belly area, but still. So. far. to. go.
So yes, I'm frustrated. It doesn't help that I chose to write this on a day when I'm extremely exhausted anyway - sorry for the depressing update.
BUT I'm not giving up. I can't! I don't want to be this size, or bigger forever.

1 comment:

  1. I wish I had some words of inspiration but really I am in the same boat has you!! This week I may go crazy if I don't loose anything!
