December 2011

February 2012

Depressing. Yes, I want to puke. I know I'm being dramatic. But I just have so far to go. I guess I have been feeling positive about how hard I've been working. I've been going to the gym daily (well 6 days a week) for 3 1/2 weeks now. And really watching what I eat. I had been thinking I'd lost more and looked a little better till I put the two pictures together. I guess I've really only lost the weight I put on between these months (Christmas) Ok, ok I know, it hasn't even been a whole month, and I won't give up. It's just hard. I guess on the positive side the pants I am wearing in the first picture are maternity pants, because the ones I have on in the second pic were WAY too tight for a picture. So I guess there have been little changes - just not enough.
I'm probably being overly dramatic too because my weigh in this morning was not good. I totally pigged out over the weekend, and I'm still up several pounds. I busted my butt at the gym today - but I always try to.
So here's another catch - Sydney's birthday is tomorrow. Do I eat her birthday cake tomorrow? The night before weigh in? Or wait till Friday? Or pass altogether?
Well, thanks for letting me whine and complain. Here's to hoping that I will see a marked difference in my March picture. And hopefully within this month I can get to the STARTING weight that I was when we started 2 years ago.
You look great! And I am bad, its your daughters birthday one piece of cake won't kill you! And plus you work so hard on those cakes you deserve a bite.