Monday, December 5, 2011

Merry Christmas - a little early!

Ok, let's try this again. Take two - I'm back!
I'll try not to be my regular long winded self - but still I'm sure I'll ramble a bit.
I've been so frustrated because I have so much weight to lose, and want to do it, but I haven't been able to figure out a plan of how to do it. Between the weather, Jerry's school schedule, and my treadmill breaking - beyond repair, I had no idea how on earth I was going to lose all this baby/moving/stress weight. I do have some exercise DVD's like the biggest loser one. They are fine for a once in a while workout, but it killed my feet with the jumping, and they just aren't my favorite way to work out.

I decided to check into different gyms around town to see if I could get a membership for my Christmas present. The prices are so high on all the gyms and we really need to watch our $. Anyway, I was lucky enough to find a gym that gave me the student discount and the absolute best part is that there is day care that is FREE! I calculated and figured if I go every day (minus Sunday) even for just 45 min. I'd still be paying less than if I were to pay a babysitter for the same time.
I'm so excited because it is a really nice gym, they have a great swimming pool, and I don't have to work it around anyone else's schedule. I can go at the best time that works for me. I almost went with a 24 hour gym that was cheaper, but had no daycare so I was going to have to go before Jerry went to school (Yuck, I'm SO not a morning person) or late at night once he got home. The other nice thing that I really like is that it is a break from my kids. I love them so much. And I'm so glad I can be a stay at home mom, but with Jerry's school/study hours I get absolutely no break. Sydney doesn't even nap anymore. I get no time without kids, and usually I have at least 1 or 2 other neighbor kids over here too. It is, in my opinion, a little "tender mercy" from the Lord that I am able to get an hour a day to myself. Hmm, maybe I'll go to the gym several times a day! :)

I went for the first time last Thursday. I LOVED it. I was able to run for the first time since having Luke and honestly, it felt so good. It hurt, because I haven't run in so long, but it "hurt so good." It was great. I went Friday and today too. Today I went 3.3 miles (only ran part of it - walked the rest) It was in honor of Korina for being so awesome to run the Rock 'n Roll half Marathon. I wanted to be there, both be there doing it, and be there physically to the point that I could, so I just did a 5k.

So my plan for this month is to get to the gym at least 5 days a week. I'm not going to stress too much about my eating, mainly going to save desserts and treats for Saturday or Sunday. But I hate the balance with nursing and watching calories, so for now if I'm hungry I'm going to eat. Just going to try to eat healthier choices. I'll go on more of a "diet" or change of eating habit once January hits, but my main goal to start with is getting a little more activity going .

My first short term goal is to get that first comment from a someone noticing that I've lost weight. I'm hoping it will come before February.

I've posted my pics from October and Dec. Yes, very depressing, but at least I think I can tell I've lost a little since Oct. I better have since that was only 1 month after having Luke. Still not as big of a difference as I'd like.
Dec. 2011

Oct. 2011


  1. You look awesome!! And great job 5k!! Whoot Whoo!! See I am still kind even though Luke gave Dallin RSV.

  2. You're gonna do great Sarah. I don't expect anything less. =) I'm glad you found a gym. I was worried about what you were gonna do with winter settling in.
