Sunday, February 3, 2013

Slow and steady

 January 2013

 February 2013
I've been a little discouraged this month because I STILL haven't lost all my holiday weight.  Yes, I totally indulged, but should it really take over a month to lose what I put on in 2 weeks?? Especially when I'm really working so hard daily at the gym.  But I did measurements the other day and was a little encouraged to see that even though I am not down weight wise to what I was on Dec. 23rd, my measurements are a little better.  At least some changes are happening. 
I'm really thinking I'm going to do the "mini-marathon" in May.  I'm really excited about doing it, it's just the training part that I'm not too excited about.  Finding time for those long runs, plus I don't have a running partner, and I don't really even know the terrain around my house.  I don't dare run on the highway that's close to my house, because there isn't much of a shoulder.  So there is basically one road other than the 1/2 mile around my neighborhood.  I've only gone 1 1/2 miles out from my house, so I guess it's time to explore.  I'm also going to be gone a couple of these weekends where I'm supposed to be doing some big miles.  Hopefully it will equal out and I'll be prepared.  I'm not planning to run to make any personal record times, I just want to do it.  Time to decide and register. 
P.S.  Totally loving the facebook group.  Great motivation.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year!

Feb 2012

Feb. 2012
Nov. 2012

Nov. 2012

Dec. 2012

Dec. 2012

Jan. 2013

Jan. 2013
So, I'm still here.  I'm excited about the facebook group, and it's totally motivating me.  I still wanted to post my monthly pictures on here for motivation sake.  I've been having stress downloading pics, so if it doesn't work - oh well, this blog might be going by the wayside.  Wish me luck!
I still have so far to go, but to make myself feel better about how far I've come I put a pic from 11 months ago too.
I haven't really been able to run since November because of hip pain.  I've been stretching it a ton, and taking ibuprofen before exercising and this week I've been able to run a few miles.  It actually feels really good to run.  Oh, it kills me, but I feel like I'm pushing it to the limit and getting all my calories worth out of it.  Gotta lose all the weight I gained over Christmas!!