Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sarah's weigh in

I just got back from running 8 miles! Why doesn't it get easier? It was still hard, but I did it. I ran with Marlo and she always pushes me to go a little faster...which is good, but I was kind of hoping she'd just pull ahead of me, but you know Marlo, always pushing you farther. I feel good now. And to be honest, I'm really glad we went at 5:00. SO early, but when the sun came out at a little after 6:00, it was so warm.

I get a little worried because 8 miles was hard today, how am I going to do a half marathon in just two weeks? Hopefully I'll have more energy then. I also felt pain in my foot/heel as I was running today. I'm hoping that it's just because it takes a couple days for the cortisone shot to take effect, and not because it didn't work this time.

As far as my weigh in goes, I maintained this week. I'm happy about that, considering the pig-fest I had after the race Sat., Sun., and Monday night. I'm going to try not to go completely overboard with my eating today. Wish me luck.


  1. Good luck Sarah!! You have proven you can do anything you put your mind to.

  2. You will do awesome!! And Utah will not have the heat that Vegas does which will help! Great job on maintaining this week too. You are doing so good!
