Wednesday, June 30, 2010


I feel like I'm posting a lot this week, but sometimes I just need to get the words out of my head so I can feel good.

I did it! I went out and did 3.5 miles tonight. IT WAS HARD! I am sore in the weirdest places from Zumba. I'm sore in my hip joints and here's the really weird one...the bottom half of my shins down through my ankles.

So, I started out by walking to the church. I was so sore it was hard to get started but by the time I got that first mile in I decided to start jogging because I was still hurting. Surprisingly enough jogging felt better. The sad part is that it was so HOT! I could only jog about 1/2 a mile and then I'd have to walk to cool off. So I probably ran about 2 out of the 3.5 miles. It is really bad when you start to get dizzy while running. It is a good thing I have a big bottle of powerade to drink now because I think I'm suffering from heat exhaustion.

Let's just hope I can get my tush out of bed in the morning to get more exercise.

1 comment:

  1. Great job Kim!! You are doing so awesome! I am so proud of you!!
